Thursday, March 1, 2012

Canning Peas

This morning I'm going to start canning some peas. I purchased a large bag full at the fruit stand on the other side of town. I have been anxious to use my new canner. Last year I tried canning with my pressure pot (not a pressure canner) and I made it work although I wasn't Happy with the difficulty involved when you don't have the right tools. This time I have everything I need so I'm laying everything out. Then I'm going to put my daughter on the bus and come back and get started. What I really wanted was a pressure canner but I settled for a water bath canner when I saw how much it cost. Living on a budget is tough and I couldn't bring myself to spend that extra $65.00, so I didn't. Maybe next year, ill get one. I have been watching a lot of prepper videos on YouTube, and while I am not a prepper like these people I do feel the need to be prepared for another katrina. We went entirely too long without power. I had two huge freezes that I lost everything in it. I decided then and there that I would eventually learn to can stuff, and be more self sufficient. All those preppers have some great ideas. So I'm watching everything I can find. One of my favorite YouTube channels is Ironhead41. Yall should really check him out. He shows you neat ways to can meats such as bacon and hotdogs. I'm going to try this the next time bacon comes on sell. Also he's pretty funny. I have a friend that talks, laughs and dresses just like him so I was cracking up while thinking of my buddy, Chuck! Well here's some pictures of my preparations. Got to go get my girl out of bed. Yall enjoy, Country Mama

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