Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Working on the Garden Again.

I've been updating all of you on how my garden is coming. I showed you how I built a second raised bed giving me two 8x8 raised beds. I figure I can manage to squeeze 12 corn stalks in there as well as 12 okre plants and maybe even something else, but that's a big maybe. I know that last year I planted 6 plants in each row. I figure on getting about 6 rows as well that's about what I got last year. Well that's in each bed. So two rows of corn, two rows of okre and two rows of peas, maybe. It may all change when actual planting starts. Anyhow, that's what I'm figuring for my new raised bed. The other one will contain the same plants as last year only I plan on getting an early start at reining in my tomatoes. The stakes I bought last year were not strong enough and between the tomatoes and the cucumbers they smothered out my onions. So the onions are planted where the squash was last year. The cucumbers will be grown in a pot that I got recently at the dollar store. I already have my potatoes growing in a garbage can and two of my collard plants still remain from last year. My daughter also had to plant a head of cabbage for a school competition. When its time to plant I will buy the already started plants at the feed store. I will most likely buy 6 bell pepper plants, 2 squash plants, 6 tomato plants. Another thing I've added this year is a solar lantern that is 5 ft tall and has two hanging baskets on the sides. I figure on planting either pepper plants or some kind of herbs. I'm pretty sure I'm going to plant peppers. I also found this window basket at the dollar store. Since I have one window overlooking my garden I thought I might buy it as well. If I do, I will probably use it to plant herbs. I think I'm going to try to find one more garbage can and attempt to plant sweet potatoes. I've never planted them before and I've recently discovered my husband loves them. I've been cooking for that man for 10 years near about and never knew it. As far as herbs go, I mostly use garlic and parsley. So I will have to check on how to grow these two things since I've never grown them. I would eventually like to plant a little salad garden. my husband can eat like a rabbit. He loves salads and so does our daughter. I don't have much room left in my garden area. But maybe I can figure something out. I've thought about moving my strawberry bed from the front yard to the back. I think its a little late for that now. Should have done it in February if I was going to do it. I guess its fine where it is for now. My husband got a friend of his to draw us up a picture for landscaping around the house. I really liked his ideas. I only saw two things I would change and that's just because he didn't include the cyclone fence in the drawing. I am also not getting rid of my antique plows. They were my great grandfathers and I want them to remain as decoration. I have seen someone take parts off a tractor and bury them half in the ground so it looked like a tractor was buried in the flower bed. It was so cute. It was outside of my brother in laws tractor shop. His mother in law done it when her husband owned the business. I have no idea who owns it now. Anyhow, I need to get back on the subject. I don't know how my hubby plans on affording it but he is dead set on landscaping around the house I think it sounds like a great idea, but I'm trying to figure out a way to save a few bucks. We live on the edge of the woods and have several pines. I'm thinking we could mulch with pine straw. It's not as pretty as the wood chips, but its free. Either that or rent a wood chopper. All that is required is the labor. I think if were going to plant flowers they need to be perennials and the ones on the front need to be shade loving. So we need to find something affordable that will grow well from year to year. I would love to hear your ideas in this. Well that's all if you'd like to leave a comment please do so.
Catch yall later,
Country Mama

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