Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kitchen Appliance Update

Hey y'all,
I wanted to show y'all my new and improved small appliances. All it took was a couple can's of spray paint and about fifteen minutes of my time. Then I just let it dry.
I absolutely love how the crockpot turned out. 

The Food Saver needs another coat of paint, but I ran out of black before I could get a second coat on. Also, I think I'm going to go back over it where I left it white. I originally wanted to see the food saver label, but now I just think it turned out tacky. The mixer turned out great, as did the crock pot. I love the crock pot. Now let me tell you why I didn't paint it black. Our color scheme for our new house is going to be turquoise and terracotta. Now the crockpot isn't turquoise but it was as close as I could find at Walmart. The reason I went with this color though was because of the inside pot. I just didn't think it would look good with black paint and a splash of color right in the middle of the table just looks so pretty to me. This is not the original lid that came with the crock pot. The one that came with it was old, warped and plastic, so I threw it away. I had a couple of old metal lids that I lost the pot's, years ago, so I picked the one with the plastic knob and painted it to go on top. It looked so good, my husband asked me why I didn't paint them all the same color. It looks like a brand spanking new pot instead of the old vintage one, I bought for a dollar at a yard sale. What do y'all think? Should I paint them all the turquoise or leave them black to match my large appliances? I may have to go back with some different paint later and redo the plastic pieces of the stand mixer, such as the top and bottom of the blender. I didn't realize it but I bought the wrong can of spray paint. This one didn't specify that it could be used on plastic, so fingers crossed that I won't have to fix it later, but if I do that's alright. If y'all decide to do this project, make sure the paint you buy is made for all surfaces like the turquoise paint is.
Anyway, I made a video of the process, and I have posted the link below.
Be sure to check it out.
Catch ya later!

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